Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Starting Gate!

So here I am. I have been contemplating and debating with myself about what I should name my blog...whether I should even start one...and a whole lot of other thoughts that swirled around in my head. Believe it or not, I actually got the idea from the movie, Julie & Julia. I loved the movie, except for the end. Since both stories are true, I guess we can't get the fairytale ending to ever story. But I digress...

So the real story and reason behind the blog. I am a terrible housekeeper! There, I said it. It is out there for the world to see. My dear husband has been getting after me for the past 5 1/2 years that we have been married to do better around the house. He has tried reasoning, yelling, arguing, list making, and so many other methods to help or get me motivated, I shames me. I mean, my house isn't like those on the Hoarding shows on TLC, not there by a long shot, but it still is messy at times. We have 2 girls, 4 and almost 2, with our first boy to arrive in July. We live in a small 1 bedroom apartment (which we are trying to change that, but that will be another post sometime). My husband and I had a conversation about 2 weeks ago that changed my thinking process towards him and the housework. And really, it was a conversation...no/not much yelling involved. He told me that although I show my love to him by taking care of the girls and cooking, he doesn't feel respected. HUH? DOH? I couldn't wrap my head around that concept. To me, showing respect was cooking, taking care of the girls and "picking up" the apartment. What did he mean?

So this is my journal. This blog is my way of keeping myself accountable to what I am trying (or ASPIRING) to do. I am aspiring to show more respect to my husband by taking care of the things around the apartment and needs of this family. Yesterday morning, I made a list...granted it was tiny steps that need to be taken to get this apartment the way my husband wants it, but I am trying to accomplish the list. I had 1/3 of the items crossed off yesterday, but today was full of Walmart shopping, cranky kids, and doctor's appt, along with that laundry and making supper. I still need to go wash the supper dishes, but besides that, I think that I will be pushing myself tomorrow! Need to make up for today! I guess that is it for now, but I will be back tomorrow to update! Maybe I will post my goals tomorrow morning and then cross them off online here, so show my accomplishments...

Now I am just putting off washing dishes. Aspiring Wife logging off!